Calling All Souls! Using This Moment to Approach the Sacred and the Holy
Calling All Souls! Using This Moment to Approach the Sacred and the Holy What would you like to learn during this time of isolation, quarantine, and social distancing? It might

A Message From Rabbi Sandler
A Message From Rabbi Sandler This is the week that states, dealing with the financial ravages caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, are beginning to open their economies. Our own state

Tazaria Metzora Shabbat Rosh Chodesh
Tazria Metzora Shabbat Rosh Chodesh 5780 The Enemy Is Us Israel like many nations is in lock-down. We do venture out of our homes to acquire food, medication or medical

Shall We Jump Into the Sea Again?
Shall We Jump Into the Sea Again? By Rabbi Neil Sandler As you read this column, we are about to enter the final days of Passover this year. Last week

Four Sons – Four Stages
Four Sons – Four Stages By Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. – Mark Twain In years past,

Tzav Shabbat HaGadol 5780
Tzav Shabbat HaGadol 5780 L'Shana Hab'ah – The Coming Year Pesach is a holiday of hope. Our enslaved Israelite ancestors despaired of a better life. Even after Moses appeared on

Choose Life
Choose Life By Rabbi Neil Sandler It strikes me as a bit ironic. Amidst all of the constraints on us now – we can't congregate in a group, we can't

Shame Culture in the Wake of a Pandemic
Shame Culture in the Wake of a Pandemic: A Jewish Response… and Warning I'm worried about shaming. It is one aspect of any disease or social disturbance that is last

A Message From Rabbi Sandler
A Message From Rabbi Sandler Amidst the physical distancing forced upon us by the Coronavirus pandemic, the number of online learning opportunities within the Jewish community has exploded! If you

Losing Pace-Time Is as Dangerous as Losing Face-Time
Losing Pace-Time Is as Dangerous as Losing Face-Time The buzz word for our new reality is "social distancing". In order to slow the spread of the virus, COVID-19, we need

Mishpatim 5780
Mishpatim 5780 Whose Ox Has Been Gored Can justice ever be truly blind? Is equality before the law truly achievable? Is it but a pipe dream to expect those in
Tetzaveh 5779
TETZAVEH 5779 HUMAN FAILURE AND DIVINE GRACIOUSNESS FEBRUARY 14, 2019 9 Adar 1, 5779 God spoke to the Israelites through Moses; the Israelites spoke to God through Aaron. These propositions