Pinchas 5780
Pinchas 5780 "Men" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these

New Beginnings Begin by Perspective
New Beginnings Begin by Perspective What are new beginnings, really? Are they events, happenings that we step into, or are they something else entirely? Today marks some profound beginnings. Rabbi

Korach 5780
Korach 5780 The Desert's Populist Vayikach Korach (and Korach took…) are the opening words of this week's Torah portion without any reference to what was taken. An insightful Midrash suggests

Always Becoming, Always Evolving, Always Arriving
Always Becoming, Always Evolving, Always Arriving "Lech Lecha may'artzecha…" These are the first words with which the Holy One turned to our spiritual patriarch, Abraham. God knew exactly what Abraham's

This Is a Big Moment, Don't Let It Go Unnoticed! Reflections of My 12 Years With Neil and Susan Sandler
This Is a Big Moment, Don't Let It Go Unnoticed! Reflections of My 12 Years With Neil and Susan Sandler This Shabbat will mark another important shift in the life

A Message From Rabbi Sandler
I Am Part of the Problem. Are You? As I have watched reactions and events unfold since the unspeakable killing of George Floyd in my hometown of Minneapolis more than

(POST) Shavuot 5780
(Post) Shavuot 5780 From Prologue to Epilogue The Book of Ruth, read in the synagogue during Shavuot, is at first glance a simple and heartwarming story of two widows, Naomi

A Message From Rabbi Sandler
A Message From Rabbi Sandler A rainbow… few natural phenomena are more beautiful than a rainbow. However, for the Torah-attuned among us, rainbows evoke an association to the unparalleled and

Bamidbar 5780
Bamidbar 5780 Nothing is Forever The construction of the Mishkan is the subject of the final chapters of the book of Exodus. The role of the Kohanim (priests) and the

Navigating the Next Chapter
Navigating the Next Chapter The dynamism between a spiritual life and sacred scripture involves finding parallel narratives. The stories, concepts, and ideas expressed in scripture are linked by the reader

Bhar-Bechukotai 5780
Bhar-Bechukotai 5780 Now In Dire Straits Three times in this week's Torah portion repeats the a Hebrew phrase is repeated: ki yamuch achicha – when your brother is in dire

A Message From Rabbi Sandler
A Message From Rabbi Sandler Just yesterday we commemorated Lag B'omer, the 33rd day of the Omer period that runs from the second day of Passover to the beginning of