Rabbi Sandler Honored as Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Sandler Honored as Rabbi Emeritus By Barry Herman, Executive Director On the first day of Rosh Hashanah 5782, our synagogue president, Gerry Benjamin, announced to our congregation that Rabbi

Apples and Honey – Rosh Hashanah 5782
Rosh Hashanah 5782 Apples and Honey I am fairly certain that every child who has been in a Jewish preschool, kindergarten or synagogue program is familiar with the song, "Apples

Le'hiet'ra'ot… Not Goodbye: Lessons Learned From Our Friend Rabbi Neil Sandler
L'hitra'ot… Not Goodbye: Lessons Learned From Our Friend Rabbi Neil Sandler Today Rabbi Sandler is making his way to Virginia to officially settle for the year in his new position

My Final Letter
My Final Letter Dear Friends, Many years ago, my mother, of blessed memory, told me how old I was when she had successfully potty-trained me. I was exceedingly young. That

Shabbat Service Tribute to Rabbi Neil and Susan Sandler
Shabbat Service Tribute to Rabbi Neil and Susan Sandler By Larry Gold, AA Past President Saturday, June 12, 2021 I appreciate being given the honor of speaking today about our
Yom HaShoah: A Day to Remember, A Day of Strength!
Yom HaShoah: A Day to Remember, A Day of Strength! Tonight begins the Jewish observance of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. The official name on our calendar commemoration is Yom HaSho'ah v'haGevurah. Although in English we

Shabbat and Chag: What to Do on a Saturday Night
Shabbat and Chag: What to Do on a Saturday Night This year, many of our holidays happen to begin on Saturday evening, and Passover is no exception! However, with this

A Post-Purim Reflection
A Post-Purim Reflection Shushan – From Consternation to Joy "The city of Shushan was in consternation" (Esther 3:1). "The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy and honor" (ibid 8:16).

Min Hameitzar
Min Hameitzar "From the narrow places I called out, 'Yah', and I was answered with expansiveness" (Psalm 118). Oh, how the last year has felt constraining and narrow. Stuck in

A Reflection on One Year of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic
Light a Candle and Remember A Reflection on One Year of the Global Covid-19 Pandemic On March 11, 2020, the Director General of the World Health Organization declared, "We have

One Year – Twice: A Message for Reflection
One Year – Twice A Message for Reflection One year! I think about what I said when Rabbi Sandler told me that I better take these warnings about some flu-like

A Reflection on Last Week… Where Do We Go Now?
A Reflection on Last Week… Where Do We Go Now? Although it has been some time since I last stood at (now) Truist Park for the National Anthem that precedes