A Final Farewell
A Final Farewell By Margo Gold This past Sunday morning, Larry and I joined others in the main sanctuary for a last minyan there before construction begins. It is a

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler – Parshat Miketz
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Shabbat Chanukah and Rosh Chodesh – Parshat Miketz By Rabbi Neil Sandler More than two weeks ago, Rabbi Rosenthal called me out

A Thanksgiving Tale: Welcoming Afghan Families to Atlanta
A Thanksgiving Tale: Welcoming Afghan Families to Atlanta By Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal There is a wonderful ritual on Thanksgiving of sharing those things for which we are thankful. This usually

Thanksgiving 2021/Chanukah 5782 – As We Light the Candles
Thanksgiving 2021/Chanukah 5782 As We Light the Candles This year, as we conclude the Thanksgiving weekend celebration, we begin the eight days of Chanukah. The Atlanta Jewish Times invited rabbis

In Support of Those Who Walk
In Support of Those Who Walk A Statement of Gratitude for Those Participating in the Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure Judaism believes that the whole body is an instrument

Building Construction Update
Building Construction Update Dear AA family, I hope that each of you and your families are enjoying both the start of the New Year and the fall season, as the

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Sandler – Parshat Toldot
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Parshat Toldot Last week, I received my Covid booster vaccination. How can any of us receive these life – saving vaccinations and

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler – Parshat Vayera
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Parshat Vayera If you were Abraham, recovering from a recent circumcision, how would you have responded to the approach of three people

Lech L'cha 5782 – A Sufficient God
Lech L'cha 5782 A Sufficient God "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am El Shaddai. Walk in my ways and

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler – Parshat Lech Lecha
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Parshat Lech Lecha Have you ever had a "Lech-lecha" moment? "Lech-lecha" – sound familiar? I hope so. At the outset of our

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler – Parshat Noach
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Parshat Noach "These are the generations of _________ (your name)." After you have filled in that blank with your name, what words

A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler – Parshat Bereisheet
A Moment of Torah with Rabbi Neil Sandler Parshat Bereisheet From the time we get up each morning until we return to our beds at night, we are doing. We