Feel-Good News

Kiddush Sponors
Linda and Richard Bressler in honor of Richard's birthday on 10/22
Jill and Jeffrey Vantosh in honor of Jill's birthday on 10/30

Sisters in the Sukkah 10.5.23
On Thursday, October 5, 50 sisters attended Sisters in the Sukkah! Co-chairs, Sandi Friedman and Shelley Shapiro welcomed attendees with an adorable and festive poem. The delicious dinner was catered by Lison Spiegelman. Everyone ate salmon salad, orzo, mini quiches, home made pita, grilled veggies and delectable chocolate mousse, cookies and fruit for dessert. Weber junior, Stella Galanti entertained with guitar and vocals. Rabbi Rosenthal delivered an uplifting D'var Torah. L'dor v'dor Judaica was present and collected sacred pieces of Judaica which they will later re-home. Sherry Habif and the Greening Group did a lovely job with decor!

Tea and Tarot with Z'havah Sisterhood 10.15.23
On Sunday, October 15, Sisters came together at Candler Park on a beautiful fall afternoon for afternoon tea and tarot card readings. While enjoying our delicious afternoon tea from Dr. Bombay's Underwater Tea House, sisters enjoyed an uplifting and motivating group tarot card reading. Many women received a personal tarot card reading.
Shabbat Corner

Friday Evening–Saturday Evening
- Candle Lighting: 6:39 p.m.
- Shabbat Morning Service 🔀: 9:30 a.m.—Zoom
- Torah Study 🔀: 10:30 a.m.—Zoom
- Rebbe's Tish ⏺️: 12:30 p.m.
- Mincha, Seudah Sheleshet, Ma'ariv, Havdallah 🔀: 6:00 p.m.—Zoom
- Conclusion of Shabbat: 7:22 p.m.
- Torah Parashat (Noach):
- Annual: Genesis 6:9–11:32
- Triennial: 8:15–10:32
- Haftara: Isaiah 54:1–55:5
Feel-Good News

Kiddush Sponors
Sara and Sandro Gisler in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Elias Gisler, on 10/14

Mazal Tov to Elias Gisler
Mazal Tov to Elias Gisler on his Bar Mitzvah this Saturday, October 14! Elias is the son of Sara and Sandro Gisler and brother of Mila.
Other Things Happening at AA
The 2023 Fall Beineinu High Holiday issue is out! If you haven't yet received your copy in the mail, you can view the electronic version here.
Are you fun? Innovative? Passionate? Good with children? We are always seeking exceptional subs to join our Kesher team. Kesher is AA's supplementary education program for students four years old through sixth grade.
If you are interested, please email our Interim Director of Education: Annsley Klehr ([email protected]).
We feel blessed to have a vibrant community that believes in the power of prayer as a source of comfort, strength and healing. At every service, we take a moment to recite the names of individuals we are holding in our hearts for health and healing. Beginning January 1, 2023, all are welcome to add names to our Misheberach (Healing) Prayer List for 30 days. These names will be recited each morning during prayer regardless of their support's presence at services. At the end of 30 days, we request that names be renewed with our office receptionist, Fern Schorr ([email protected]; 404.355.5222). Without renewal, names will be removed from the list with our hope that our prayers were successful in sending strength and wholeness.

Do you know an AA congregant who is in the hospital or infirm? We are concerned about loved ones and friends who are in the hospital or infirm. Although our synagogue office remains closed, we are still working and would like to connect with you, especially in regards to pastoral care. If you have information about friends or family in the hospital or other care facilities, please contact Rabbi Rosenthal ([email protected]) directly. We always appreciate the opportunity to speak with anyone in need and offer support in any way we can.
It's time to order your 2024 Mah Jongg card(s)! To order, please email Barbara Nathan ([email protected]) with a list of names, e-mail addresses, and home addresses of all recipients by Friday, February 2, 2024. To pay (prices listed below), please write a check, payable to AA Sisterhood, and mail it to Barbara Nathan (200 Brandon Place, Sandy Springs, GA 30328). If you do not get confirmation from Barbara within a few days of your order, call her at 404.406.8770.
Standard card = $14
Large card = $15
Embark on a transformative journey of Jewish leadership at Ahavath Achim Synagogue through the Arnovitz Leadership Institute (ALI). ALI's mission is to invigorate your leadership trajectory through experiential learning alongside a select group of aspiring congregational leaders. Engage in enriching discussions to uncover the unique aspects of collaborative leadership within Ahavath Achim Synagogue and other Jewish organizations.
To apply for this enriching program, visit the link below. If you know an emerging leader who would thrive in this environment, we welcome your nominations—Please email Jackie Nix ([email protected]) with the nominee's name, contact information, and the reasons for your recommendation.
For any questions about the program, contact the co-chairs: Allison Feldman ([email protected]); Joel Feldman ([email protected]).
- AA History
- Leadership: Understanding your leadership style and harmonizing it with the leadership styles of others
- Governance and Operational Excellence
- Influence: How to effectively communicate and how to develop your personal legacy based on your values and ethics
- Innovation: How people and organizations grow through creativity and problem solving and how they overcome obstacles to accomplish goals and visions
- Spirituality: Understanding the unique relationship between Jewish spirituality and leadership and how to incorporate spirituality into your leadership journey
Session Dates:
- Sunday, November 5, 5–7:00 p.m.
- Sunday, December 10, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
- Sunday, January 14, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
- Sunday, February 11, 10:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.
- Sunday, March 17, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 24, 6:30–9 p.m.
- Saturday, May 11—Arnovitz Shabbat
Build your community. Strengthen your connections. Do Judaism your way. Get $180 to host an event at the place and with the people you choose. You select the date. You set the location. You invite the attendees. You plan the activity. Federation picks up the tab. If you've been looking for an excuse to get together with friends, family, or neighbors, look no further!
When you receive a $180 Gather Grant you can:
- Host a Shabbat dinner or holiday celebration to meet your Jewish neighbors
- Teach friends how to make a special recipe from your childhood
- Plan a picnic with other families who have similar-aged kids
- Arrange a fun night to reconnect with camp, Birthright, or school friends
- Buy copies of a Jewish-themed book and host a discussion group
- Organize a poker night, a nature hike, a volunteer project… whatever and wherever you want!
Any Jewish-identifying individual, couple, friend group, or family in greater Atlanta can apply to receive a $180 Gather Grant.
Through our membership with the ADL's (Anti-Defamation League) Kulanu Initiaitve, our AA family is creating an antisemitism task force to partner with other communities across the country to collectively fight hate and antisemitism. Membership on the task force will require a year's commitment and involve participation in ADL virtual meetings and community of practice working sessions. Our congregation will also offer special programs, initiatives, and action steps to raise awareness, call out local and national antisemitic incidents, and build relationships with communities susceptible to antisemitic infiltration. To learn more about or to join the task force, please contact Rabbi Rosenthal ([email protected]).

Ahavath Achim's Sisterhood is a dynamic organization of women of all ages with diverse experiences, talents, and interests within our synagogue, community, and the Jewish world. Every woman counts for Sisterhood to grow and thrive. Basic membership dues are $45, but we encourage you to join at a Chai-er level. Your generous dues and donations are vital for Sisterhood to continue to offer programs and projects that strengthen and sustain our Jewish values.

We need your involvement in AA's social action programs! Motivate your family and friends "into action" towards the betterment of our community, and envision our current programs continued for the future. Reach out to your nieces, nephews, friends, and new neighbors for new contacts and ideas to help us increase our pool of volunteers for our wonderful existing and future programs. We need you! Find out how you want to be involved by reviewing the list of social action programs in which our synagogue has been involved for many years. If you'd like to become involved, please email our Social Action Chair: Alan Wexler ([email protected]; 404.872.8880).

Are you a warm, friendly, dedicated volunteer who wants to make a difference in a fellow congregant's life through acts of loving kindness? Are you willing to make a personal call or visit to comfort and support a congregant who has lost a loved one or been ill? These caring touches – acts of loving kindness – make all the difference in the world to those receiving them. If you want to be a part of strengthening our community, then AA's new Chesed Initiative is for you! This committee will work with our clergy, staff, and lay leaders to connect members who need help with members who want to do good deeds! Additionally, if you know of a congregant who is facing personal difficulties related to health, loss, or grief, please contact Fern Schorr ([email protected]; 404.355.5222) to let us know. Help us reach out to members in need. We welcome your help and time with this important project.
Your donation to the Israel Emergency Campaign helps to rebuild damaged infrastructure and address the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by the horrific attack on Isreael.
Donate to the Ukraine Emergency Fund of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta