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This exhibit showcases some of those rare, but exceedingly important, instances where people fought to safeguard their Jewish fellow citizens during the Holocaust. In a time of overwhelming death and destruction, rescuers did not stand silently by; they chose another way, and their bravery offers us a glimmer of hope. This is a self-led, or […]
AA Synagogue is proud to announce that we have partnered with Arlington cemetery and Dignity Memorial in the acquisition of a new section designated for our congregation. We are equally proud to announce the creation of the Unity Garden, a sacred space created by Ahavath Achim Synagogue for the burial of multi-faith families, allowing for […]
Calling all K-2nd graders! Start your engines, and join us for the first ever Shoreshim Grand Prix. We'll have lunch together and then put our creativity to the test as we design our cars, create a custom track, and see how far they can go. Prizes will be awarded in multiple categories. The cost to […]
Calling all Machar (3rd-5th graders) and Kadimaniks (6th - 8th graders)! Join us for a fun scavenger hunt as we explore the world of IKEA with friends! We’ll break into teams and see which group can find the most items on the list. Snacks provided. The cost to participate is $10 per person. The deadline […]
Join us for Tuesdays@AA, now part of our congregation’s Mature Active Adult Community (mAAc). Every Tuesday, one of our rabbis will begin the class with a one-hour discussion. The second hour of the class will be led by another member of the group. Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal will teach on the first Tuesday of the month […]
Join mAAc members, fellow congregants, and one of the AA rabbis every Tuesday for this exciting discussion group. Rabbis Laurence Rosenthal and Sam Blustin will alternate weeks leading a one-hour online learning course by the Shalom Hartman Institute. The course, iEngage: Jewish Values and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, studies the Jewish narratives about Israel and the […]
Join us every Tuesday for Beginner's Hebrew Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. This course will start with the basics--learning the Aleph-Bet, vowels, and sounding out words. Come with a willing spirit and eagerness to learn. This course is free, but registration is required by Friday, March 18. To register, please contact Jim Dricker: […]
Join us every Wednesday for Biblical Hebrew Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. In this class, we will cover all aspects of grammar and a well-rounded basic vocabulary. Students set the pace of the program, and we will proceed as fast or as slow as the majority of the class requests. We might take […]
Join us every Shabbat morning for Torah Study, where lay leaders, rabbis, and congregants lead lively discussions about the weekly parashat. This discussion requires no special knowledge and is designed to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Torah and the wisdom of our Sages. Questions? Contact the chair: Michael Miller (mgmiller@sloan.mit.edu). Join us in […]