Shabbat Morning Service
Ahavath Achim Synagogue—Ellman Chapel
600 Peachtree Battle Ave NW, Atlanta, GA, United States
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Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
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Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
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Bring in the High Holy Day season with some moments of reflection and uplift! Ahavath Achim and Congregation Shearith Israel will gather for Ma'ariv, Havdallah, a musical Selichot service, and […]
Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
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Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
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Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
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Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
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Join our congregation and families as we finish the Torah before rolling it back to the beginning! 5:30 p.m.: Light Snacks 6:00 p.m.: Sanctuary: Mincha and Ma'ariv Service 6:45 p.m.: […]
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Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
Ever wonder where our prayers come from? How did the Siddur (prayer book) come to be as we have it today? How you can even access this seemingly impenetrable book? […]
Join us for Evening Minyan and a special prayer/song-filled experience to offer strength, peace, healing, and support. Led by Scott Kaplan, Bonnie and Michael Levine, and Rabbi Rosenthal, we will […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Following Morning Minyan, join us for a 30-minute discussion on prayer and selections from the prayer book. A lay-led learning experience, we will explore a selected prayer, including its composition, […]
Ever wonder where our prayers come from? How did the Siddur (prayer book) come to be as we have it today? How you can even access this seemingly impenetrable book? […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
B’nai Torah will host Emory Professor and expert Dr. Kenneth Stein to discuss the Israel–Hamas War. Many of us have deeper questions about what is going on in Israel and […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
Join us for Sisterhood's 16th annual Worship in Pink Shabbat! This Shabbat service honors all cancer survivors, participants of the Susan G. Komen 3-day or 2-day Walks, and the loved […]
Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
In June 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and gave states the authority to pass laws that severely restrict access to abortions. Did you know that a complete […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us for a musical Kabbalat Shabbat in the round as we express our love, gratitude, and well wishes to our rabbi and rebbetzin before they move on to the […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Help us welcome Kyle Waide, CEO of the Atlanta Community Food Bank, for his annual visit at our Shabbat Morning Service! Mr. Waide will speak about the new developments at […]
Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
In partnership with Congregation Bet Haverim, we are excited to welcome Dr. Geoffrey Levin (Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern and Jewish Studies and Director of Undergraduate Engagement, Tam Institute for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us for an exquisite Esther's Banquet Sisterhood Shabbat! Come eat, pray, laugh, and dance as we enjoy an uplifting Shabbat evening service and an amazing dinner. Schedule: 5:30 p.m.: […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join your AA family for a fun-filled Purim night! We will conclude Shabbat with a musical ma'ariv service led by our AAbsolute Shabbat Band while Steve Grossman and friends chant […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Please join us as we welcome and celebrate our new and newish members at a special Shabbat service followed by a kiddush with something for everyone! All families are invited […]
Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Tot Shabbat, a musical service that's fun for our young kids and engaging for adults! This service is designed for […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us as we celebrate concluding our latest Arnovitz Leadership Institute with special honors throughout the service! Previous Arnovitz graduates—Please reach out to the Director of Community Connection so we […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Exploring the Future of AA and Spiritual Music Join Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal and our Meshorerim (spiritual singers) for an evening of music! We'll discuss AA's vision for the future and […]
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Environmental Justice as a Spiritual Practice of Awe and Wonder Join our AAGreening Group for a very special Sustainability Shabbat. As we head into summer and plan to spend more […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Our regular daily mincha / ma'ariv service will take place as usual virtually. Join us for Tikkun Leil Shavuot afterwards - for a PDF version of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot […]
We will hold a brief "extra" mincha service to kick off our Tikkun Leil Shavuot. For a PDF version of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot program, click here. Join Via Zoom
Join us for our community's all-night learning in partnership with Congregation Bet Haverim, Ma'alot, and 18Doors to celebrate the giving of the Torah.We'll offer multiple in-person and virtual learning tracks […]
After our plenary session with Music in Common, we will join together for an Erev Shavuot evening service. For a PDF version of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot program, click here. […]
For our early birds—whether or not you came to the rest of our Tikkun Leil Shavuot program—we welcome you to join us for a special morning experience beginning at 5:30 […]
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Our office is closed in observance of Shavuot, and our minyan will be virtual only. Join Via Zoom
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. We will gather in Ellman Chapel. This week […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us in the courtyard every month on the Saturday evening after the new moon for a musical Havdallah and moon blessing ceremony! Click here for a link to the […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
Join us for the Shabbat evening service in person (Ellman Chapel) or via Zoom (link below). Join Via Zoom
Join us for a Shabbat with Hazzan Helene Kates, our 5785 High Holiday Hazzan! Schedule: Friday, July 26 at 6:00 p.m.: Kabbalat Shabbat with Hazzan Helene Kates—Ellman Chapel or Zoom […]
*For this Shabbat Morning Service, we will be joined by Hazzan Helene Kates, our 5785 High Holiday Hazzan! Join Via Zoom
*For this Mincha, Seudah Sheleshet, Ma'ariv, Havdallah, we will be joined by Hazzan Helene Kates, our 5785 High Holiday Hazzan! Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us in partnership with Congregation Bet Haverim for a solemn and reflective Tisha B’Av service as we commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples. The evening will […]
Join us in person (Ellman Chapel) or via Zoom for our Tisha B'Av Morning Service (without tallit and tefillin). Join Via Zoom
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On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
Join us in the courtyard every month on the Saturday evening after the new moon for a musical Havdallah and moon blessing ceremony! Click here for a link to the […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On most Wednesday evenings, musical ensembles will rehearse performance pieces for the High Holidays. No musical training or Hebrew ability is required. If you are interested in joining our High […]
Come and welcome Hazzan Helene Kates to our community for a special weekend. In addition to serving as this year's High Holiday cantor, the synagogue leadership is exploring the possibility […]
*Hazzan Helene Kates will join us as part of our Hazzan Candidate Visit! Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Via Zoom
*Hazzan Helene Kates will join us as part of our Hazzan Candidate Visit! Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Via Zoom
*Hazzan Helene Kates will join us as part of our Hazzan Candidate Visit! Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, […]
On Wednesdays in September, our high holiday feature ensembles will practice in Ellman Chapel. Please check this space for more specifics. All are welcome to come and listen in! If […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom for Shabbat Morning Service. Join Via Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On Wednesdays in September, our high holiday feature ensembles will practice in Ellman Chapel. Please check this space for more specifics. All are welcome to come and listen in! If […]
On Thursdays in September, our high holiday feature ensembles will practice in Ellman Chapel and via Zoom. Please check this space for more specifics. All are welcome to come and […]
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Join us in Ellman Chapel or via Zoom. Join Zoom
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
Join us in the courtyard every month on the Saturday evening after the new moon for a musical Havdallah and moon blessing ceremony! Click here for a link to the […]
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Join us for Sisterhood's 17th annual Worship in Pink Shabbat! This Shabbat service honors all cancer survivors, participants of the Susan G. Komen 3-day or 2-day Walks, and the loved […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbi, a light seudah sheleshet (third […]
On Wednesdays in September, our high holiday feature ensembles will practice in Ellman Chapel. Please check this space for more specifics. All are welcome to come and listen in! If […]
On Thursdays in September, our high holiday feature ensembles will practice in Ellman Chapel and via Zoom. Please check this space for more specifics. All are welcome to come and […]