Thank you for making a gift to Ahavath Achim Synagogue. Your donations, contributions, and membership dues are tax deductible. We will send a receipt to the email address you provide for your donation, tuition, dues, or event payment. If you wish to make a payment (check, money order, or cash), contact Fern Schorr at 404.355.5222 or [email protected]. We appreciate your support of our congregation!
Please make ALL donations through this online donation form.

Tribute donations offer the ability to memorialize or honor friends and family through donations to a variety of designated funds. Tribute donations can be made in honor of B'nai Mitzvah, the birth of a baby, a graduation, a wedding, or other special occasion. Donations in memory of loved ones are a thoughtful and meaningful way to remember those who have passed away. Your donation will be acknowledged with a card to the recipient of this tribute and it will also be listed in the Synagogue's publications unless you request otherwise. *Tribute donations require a minimum contribution of $18.

Official Funds and Campaigns
Our Annual Campaign, comprised of the Chai Campaign and Yom Kippur Appeal, provides essential support for the life of our synagogue. Dues cover less than fifty percent of our annual operating budget and it is only through your generosity that AA can maintain our high level of service to our members. Your support is essential. Our programming ranges from serving our youngest members starting at about age two through our oldest members, many in their 90s. To continue providing all our programming, services, support and more, we need your help. Please contribute to the Annual Campaign at your highest possible level. Your support is very important and deeply appreciated. It ensures that when you, your children, grandchildren and other family and friends need a synagogue, AA will be here to provide the support you need.
For many years, money has been collected for our shul's Employee Holiday Fund, which supports the AA employees who have faithfully continued to work and adapt despite challenging times. The money that is collected will be given to each employee during the holiday season. Thank you for your participation in showing our valued AA employees how much they are appreciated.
This fund supports the Inclusion and Belonging Initiative which seeks to empower people of all abilities by creating physical, emotional, and spiritual space so that all people that want to be part of our community feel welcome and belong.
Strategic actions to meet the goal of creating physical, emotional, and spiritual space for people of all abilities include:
- Making physical changes necessary to achieve these goals.
- Providing consultation and interaction with Ahavath Achim committees.
- Seeking best practices from other spiritual institutions and task forces with similar mandates.
- Developing pathways of communication inside our synagogue related to inclusion and belonging.
- Instituting education initiatives.
Formerly the Cultural Arts Program, established in 1977, this fund was established by congregant Marilyn Ginsberg Eckstein to perpetuate AA's broad cultural arts program offerings. AA's cultural arts programming currently consists of: the Fran Eizenstat and Eizenstat Family Memorial Lecture Series, the Chamber Concert Series, the Liturgical Music Artist-in-Residency Program, weekly Shabbat and annual High Holiday musical offerings, and jazz, pop, vocal and instrumental concert offerings. The Cultural Arts Program has long been recognized for its breadth of offerings and its excellence. We hope that you will consider making contributions to this fund as the Marilyn Ginsberg Eckstein Cultural Arts Program offerings continue to present world-renowned speakers, dignitaries, artists, and virtuoso musicians.
This fund was established by the Reisman family in honor of Shirley z"l. Shirley was always passionate about the AA, and, together with her family, had always been involved in various efforts and regularly attended services at the Shul. This fund has been established to help upgrade and maintain the audio/visual equipment that ensures our clergy, staff, and leadership have the necessary tools to embrace ever-changing digital platforms. We hope you will consider making contributions to this fund as we move forward so we can remain current with the latest technology and trends.
Sisterhood provides crucial financial support for our children's religious school education, B'nai Mitzvah gifts, and college outreach gifts. Scholarships are available for members to attend Jewish camps and Israel study abroad. Sisterhood fundraising supports synagogue beautification and special programing, along with community support for local shelters, the Jewish Home, Hunger Walk, and the newly formed Rabbi Neil Sandler Fund for Senior Adult Education.
This fund was established by Dr. Andy Zangwill in Sonia's memory. The Sonia Fishkin Memorial Fund will honor Sonia's passion for the connection between song and Jewish spirituality. Contributions to the fund will sponsor individuals to create and bring new and singable Jewish music to Ahavath Achim and to the wider Jewish community for use during sacred events and services. Activities may include artists-in-residence, teaching workshops, concerts, and recordings.
This fund supports the Chesed Initiative. Consider donating to these funds to honor and remember friends and loved ones. If you are a warm, friendly, dedicated volunteer looking to strengthen our community and make a difference in people's lives, then this initiative is for you.
"Chesed" is holy work and is traditionally translated as "lovingkindness." Mark Twain defined the Chesed Committee's work most accurately when he said: "Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear."
The mission of the Chesed Initiative is to connect with and support AA members during times of transition and need. Members partner with our clergy in caring for the entire congregation, because visiting the sick or bereaved is something each of us can and should do. A Chesed volunteer's visit with an ill congregant fortifies their will to recover. When we visit those who grieve, we comfort and strengthen them. Members also bring baby blankets, hand-knit by our congregants, to new babies in our congregation in a new program called Welcome Baby.
Questions? Please contact:
Executive Director: Barry Herman (404.603.5746; [email protected])
Finance Manager: Stan Vogel (404.603.5751; [email protected])