Special Message
Shabbat Corner

- Candle Lighting: 7:45 p.m.
- Shabbat Morning Service—Bar Mitzvah of Grant Linden Joseph 🔀: 9:30 a.m.—Zoom
- Torah Study 🔀: 10:30 a.m.—Zoom
- High Holiday Children's Choir Rehearsal ⏺️: 2:00 p.m.
- Mincha Ma'ariv Havdallah Service ▶️: 8:00 p.m.—Zoom
- Conclusion of Shabbat: 8:27 p.m.
- Torah Parsha (Ki Tavo):
- Annual: Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8
- Triennial: Deuteronomy 26:1–27:10
- Haftara: Isaiah 60:1–22
- Parsha Video of the Week: The Schechter Institutes—Ki Tavo
- Bible Video of the Week: Rabbi Joshua Lesser—Cheshbon HaNefesh: The Giver is the Receiver
Feel-Good News

Kiddush Sponors
The Joseph Family in honor of Grant's Bar Mitzvah this Saturday, September 2

Mazal Tov to Grant Linden Joseph
Mazal Tov to Grant Linden Joseph on his Bar Mitzvah this Saturday, September 2! Grant is the son of Rachael and Michael Joseph; grandson of Andrea and Jay Joseph and Marsha and Mitchell Fishkind; and brother of Avery and Sawyer. For his Mitzvah Project, Grant is raising awareness and conducting/encouraging legislative lobbying for Right to Repair. This movement pushes back against disposable, nonrepairable culture by encouraging people to consider repairability when buying products and pursues legislation to force manufacturers to make parts and service manuals available, as well as restrict software lockouts that prevent repairs.

Mazal Tov to Rina Wolfe
Mazal Tov to Rina Wolfe on the birth of her new granddaughter, Riley Marie Yearwood. Riley is the daughter of Ashley Sheridan and Shemar Yearwood and granddaughter of Amy and Jeff Sheridan. Riley was named in loving memory of Eleanor Sims and Jackie Wolfe.
Other Things Happening at AA
Enhance your celebration of the Sukkot holiday with a set of the Four Species. As this year is a Shemita year in Israel, the lulavim and etrogim will be imported from Morocco. Each set costs $65 and includes the Etrog, Lulav, Myrtles, Willows and a Lulav bag.
Pre-paid orders must be placed by Wednesday, September 13. We will email and/or call you when the shipment arrives.
Are you fun? Innovative? Passionate? Love kids? We are seeking exceptional 9th–12th grade madrichim (guides) to join our Kesher team. Kesher is AA's supplementary education program for students four years old through sixth grade.
If you are interested, please email our Interim Director of Education: Annsley Klehr ([email protected]). Hourly rates start at $10/hr.
Are you fun? Innovative? Passionate? Good with children? We are seeking exceptional teachers to join our Kesher team. Kesher is AA's supplementary education program for students four years old through sixth grade.
Kesher Lead Teacher Job Description
Kesher Assistant Teacher Job Description
If you are interested, please email our Interim Director of Education: Annsley Klehr ([email protected]). Hourly rates start at $30/hr.
The 2023 Summer Beineinu Year-in-Review issue is out! If you haven't yet received your copy in the mail, you can view the electronic version here.
We feel blessed to have a vibrant community that believes in the power of prayer as a source of comfort, strength and healing. At every service, we take a moment to recite the names of individuals we are holding in our hearts for health and healing. Beginning January 1, 2023, all are welcome to add names to our Misheberach (Healing) Prayer List for 30 days. These names will be recited each morning during prayer regardless of their support's presence at services. At the end of 30 days, we request that names be renewed with our office receptionist, Fern Schorr ([email protected]; 404.355.5222). Without renewal, names will be removed from the list with our hope that our prayers were successful in sending strength and wholeness.

For many years, Sisterhood has been an active supporter of Rebecca's Tent (a shelter for homeless women at Congregation Shearith Israel) by providing dinners during the winter months. Now, there is an opportunity outside the kitchen to support the shelter's success by attending their Annual Theater Event at Horizon Theater on Wednesday, August 23. Have a delightful evening that supports a wonderful cause!
It's time again to send the sweetest Rosh Hashanah greetings and support Ahavath Achim Sisterhood with your honey purchase. Honey is $14 per jar. Shipping is FREE for orders submitted online through Tuesday, August 1. After August 1, $7.00 per jar is automatically added for shipping.
If you cannot order online, mail your order to Janet Kupshik, Honey Chairperson, 769 West Paces Ferry Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327. Mail orders must be received by Thursday, July 20, or shipping charges will be added and charged.
Through our membership with the ADL's (Anti-Defamation League) Kulanu Initiaitve, our AA family is creating an antisemitism task force to partner with other communities across the country to collectively fight hate and antisemitism. Membership on the task force will require a year's commitment and involve participation in ADL virtual meetings and community of practice working sessions. Our congregation will also offer special programs, initiatives, and action steps to raise awareness, call out local and national antisemitic incidents, and build relationships with communities susceptible to antisemitic infiltration. To learn more about or to join the task force, please contact Rabbi Rosenthal ([email protected]).

Donate to the Ukraine Emergency Fund of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta