Rabbi Sandler Honored as Rabbi Emeritus
By Barry Herman, Executive Director
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah 5782, our synagogue president, Gerry Benjamin, announced to our congregation that Rabbi Neil Sandler was to be honored as Rabbi Emeritus of Ahavath Achim Synagogue. As I watched Rabbi Sandler graciously accept this honor and listened to his humble acceptance remarks, I was filled with a sense of pride at this appropriate acknowledgment. I have known and worked closely with Rabbi Sandler for very many years and can tell you first-hand that he is most deserving of this honor. He is a man of great integrity, honor, passion, and love of the Jewish people as well as this congregation. I am blessed to call both him and Susan friends and will always treasure my relationship with them both.
In the words of Dr. Dennis Gilbride, who has known Rabbi Sandler for more years than I, "Rabbi Neil Sandler was practically born in a shul. His parents, of blessed memory, were deeply committed to their congregation, community, the state of Israel, and the Jewish people. They raised Neil to a life of service. Throughout his long and successful career, Neil has lived the values his parents taught him – he has exemplified a Jewish life lived well. Across multiple congregations, he (along with his rebbetzin, Susan) has committed himself to the congregations he has served. He has lived his life in concert with Jewish values, the rhythms of the Jewish calendar, and the wisdom of the Jewish tradition. The central question that has animated his life has always been, "What is best for my congregation?" During his tenure here at AA, Rabbi Sandler initiated innovative programing, officiated at services with professionalism and grace, and maintained and enhanced our congregation's connection to Israel and the broader Atlanta Jewish community. Neil has always lived up to the enormous challenges and duties of being a rabbi. It is right and fitting and a deep honor for him to now be Rabbi Emeritus of Ahavath Achim Synagogue."