
Ahavath Achim's Sisterhood is a dynamic organization of women of all ages with diverse experiences, talents, and interests within our synagogue, community, and the Jewish world. We invite you to join in the camaraderie!

Your Sisterhood membership will nurture:

  • Year-Round Events: Sisterhood offers monthly connective meetings and annual themed gatherings. Increase your knowledge at Latte and Learn, Naomi's Book Club, Rosh Chodesh Discussion Group, Mah Jongg, yoga, cultural outings, and many more creative programs.
  • AA Youth: Sisterhood provides crucial financial support for the youth education program (generously endowed by the Judith and Aaron z"l Alembik Ahavath Achim Youth Education Program), B'nai Mitzvah journeys, and milestone gifts. Scholarships are available for members to attend Jewish camps, Israel study, and other programs. Holiday packages are lovingly assembled and mailed to our AA families' college students.
  • Congregational Enrichment: Sisterhood hosts many enriching events, such as Worship in Pink Shabbat for breast cancer awareness, Sisterhood Shabbat, apples and honey at Rosh Hashanah, and AA beautification.
  • Greater Community Support: Sisterhood provides dinners to a homeless women's shelter, Rebecca's Tent at Shearith Israel, and homeless couples at Zaban Paradies Center. We also support the William Breman Jewish Home, and JF&CS (Jewish Family and Career Services).

From generation to generation, help our 100-year-old organization continue to thrive by contributing annually at the basic level of $45, but please consider going for a "Chai-er" level. Your generous dues and donations are vital for Sisterhood to continue offering programs and projects that strengthen and sustain our Jewish values and enrich our congregational life.

Questions? Contact the Membership Vice President:

Brooke Rosenthal ([email protected])

Z'havah is the young women's initiative of the AA Sisterhood that offers programs and activities for those who are looking to share common interests. We celebrate and explore our Jewish identities through a series of programs that focus on fun, education, and social action.

Questions? Contact the Z'havah Vice Presidents:

Elissa Konter ([email protected])
Rebecca Sokol ([email protected])

Slate of Officers:

Avital Cohen and Sara Papier  Presidents
Elissa Konter and Rebecca Sokol  Z'havah Vice Presidents
Mindy Margois  Fundraising Vice President
Rachael Joseph and Nikki Novotny  Donor Program Vice Presidents
Samantha Funt  Education Vice President
Brooke Rosenthal  Membership Vice President
Susan Sandler  Giving Vice President
Janet Kupshik and Vickie Reisman  Corresponding Secretaries
Nicole Saidman  Financial Secretary
Rachel Avchen  Recording Secretary
Michelle Lerner  Treasurer
Beth Friedman  Parliamentarian

Join Sisterhood/
Pay Annual Dues

Make a Sisterhood Donation