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Do the mitzvah of donating blood at Ahavath Achim Synagogue's quarterly Blood Drive. Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. The need for blood is constant, and, due to Covid-19, the blood supply is low and needs to be […]
Start collecting your unwanted, hard-to-recycle items for the fall Great Big Recycling Event! The AA Greening Group will take these items to CHaRM (the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials) for you, keeping harmful contaminants out of landfills. This event occurs on the same day as the Blood Drive, so come to give blood with […]
Join Sisterhood on the first Monday of the month for a lively book discussion. November's book is a choice between two books: The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland or Daughters of Nantucket by Julia Gerstenblatt. For this meeting, we will gather at the MJCCA Book Festival where both authors will be speaking—Purchase tickets […]
Join Rabbi Rosenthal every Wednesday for an exploration into the minds of our rabbis to better understand our modern Jewish world and the innovative process of Rabbinic Judaism. This year we will be studying Tractate Megillah, Chapter 1 "Megillah Nikret," understanding the days that different Jewish communities and townships can read the Biblical Book of […]
Join us every Wednesday for Biblical Hebrew Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. In this class, we will cover all aspects of grammar and a well-rounded basic vocabulary. Students set the pace of the program, and we will proceed as fast or as slow as the majority of the class requests. We might take […]
Have you ever found the siddur inaccessible and hard to comprehend, even in Hebrew? Dive deep into the biblical allusions of the siddur. Join our rabbis every Thursday for an hour of study and spiritual exploration as we delve into the intertextuality (biblical allusions) of our siddur and what the rabbis who composed the siddur […]
Join us every Shabbat morning for Torah Study, where lay leaders, rabbis, and congregants lead lively discussions about the weekly parashat. This discussion requires no special knowledge and is designed to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Torah and the wisdom of our Sages. Questions? Contact the chair: Michael Miller (mgmiller@sloan.mit.edu). Join us in […]
Join us two Saturdays a month to learn about and discuss current issues involving Israel. With the incredibly complex reality that the Jewish state finds itself, the goal of this group is to learn and discuss. We will read through recent articles and publications highlighting major issues and welcome educators, advocates, Israeli Government, and NGO […]
Join us during kiddush lunch on Shabbat mornings for Rebbe's Tish where we'll sing, do a bit of studying and kavanot, celebrate simchas, and fulfill the mitzvah of delighting in Shabbat and reciting the blessing after meals! Whether you attended the Shabbat morning service virtually, in person, or not at all, you are welcome to […]
Join us each week as we say goodbye to Shabbat and start the following week anew. Prayer, Torah reading, a short study with the rabbis, a light seudah sheleshet (third meal), and a musical havdallah will be part of this experience! Join Via Zoom Source Sheets: Saturday, November 4: Everyday Holiness—Chapter 8—Patience Saturday, November 25: […]