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Be with us for this quasi-holiday marking the celebration of Hoshanha Rabah (The Great Salvation). This is one of the moments, tradition says, that the gates of prayer finally close. We will make our final circuit with the lulav and etrog and beat out our sins with the willow branches as we venture into the […]
Join our beloved spiritual family for one final High Holiday moment with God. Join Via Zoom
Come together to conclude Sukkot and for our Yizkor Service where we'll remember and honor the souls of our loved ones whom have passed. Join Via Zoom
Join us to witness the final reading of our sacred Torah and begin again with the story of creation. Don’t miss out on this very special evening of singing, dancing with the Torahs, and a very rare evening Torah reading. Additionally, help us give a warm welcome to our special Torah reader, Levi Segal, in […]
Don’t miss the final reading of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Genesis. At around 10:15 a.m., we will join students from Ahava ELC for dancing and singing with the Torah. Then, we will be honor our High Holiday shofar blowers and meshorerim (spiritual singers) with this year’s Hatan Torah and Bereshet Kallah (Final and First […]
Join us every Wednesday for Biblical Hebrew Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. In this class, we will cover all aspects of grammar and a well-rounded basic vocabulary. Students set the pace of the program, and we will proceed as fast or as slow as the majority of the class requests. We might take […]
Join Sisterhood and the rabbis one Thursday a month for a morning coffee (or tea), conversation, and learning! This season's topic, taught by Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal: Weep, Pray, Love: Rachel in the Bible and Beyond – Rabbi Avi Killip Questions? Contact the event chair: Debra Cohen (debracohenmusic@gmail.com; 682.777.6021). Join Via Zoom
Join us every Shabbat morning for Torah Study, where lay leaders, rabbis, and congregants lead lively discussions about the weekly parashat. This discussion requires no special knowledge and is designed to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Torah and the wisdom of our Sages. Questions? Contact the chair: Michael Miller (mgmiller@sloan.mit.edu). Join us in […]
Join us every month on the Shabbat preceding Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the new Hebrew month, for soulful singing, chanting, and blessings. This service is inspired by the Birkat HaChodesh that we say on the Shabbat preceding Rosh Chodesh. Music will include excerpts from Hallel and Shabbat liturgy as well as other selections […]