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Sisterhood invites you to their annual Atlanta Jewish Film Festival Preview Party led by Judy Marx (Sisterhood member and AJFF committee member)! Judy will lead by offering suggestions on various films that she and the committee highly recommend seeing at this year's festival. Join virtually or in-person (Paradies Hall)! Registration is required. A Zoom link […]
Join us for Tuesdays@AA, now part of our congregation’s Mature Active Adult Community (mAAc). Every Tuesday, one of our rabbis will begin the class with a one-hour discussion. The second hour of the class will be led by another member of the group. Rabbi Laurence Rosenthal will teach on the first Tuesday of the month […]
Join mAAc members, fellow congregants, and one of the AA rabbis every Tuesday for this exciting discussion group. Rabbis Laurence Rosenthal and Sam Blustin will alternate weeks leading a one-hour online learning course by the Shalom Hartman Institute. The course, iEngage: Jewish Values and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, studies the Jewish narratives about Israel and the […]
Join us every Tuesday for Hebrew Reading Improvement Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. This class functions as a "drop-in" for anyone who wishes to practice reading Hebrew to improve their fluency skills. Each session will stand alone, so weekly attendance is not required. Using passages from the Hebrew prayer book and bible, participants […]
Join us every Wednesday for Biblical Hebrew Class, led by Hebrew instructor, Jim Dricker. In this class, we will cover all aspects of grammar and a well-rounded basic vocabulary. Students set the pace of the program, and we will proceed as fast or as slow as the majority of the class requests. We might take […]
Join us every Shabbat morning for Torah Study, where lay leaders, rabbis, and congregants lead lively discussions about the weekly parashat. This discussion requires no special knowledge and is designed to deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Torah and the wisdom of our Sages. Questions? Contact the chair: Michael Miller (mgmiller@sloan.mit.edu). Join us in […]
Join us on the first Saturday of the month for Family Shabbat! Bring a comfy blanket, and sing and dance to your favorite Shabbat morning jams. It's an event perfect for the whole family! Questions? Contact the Director of Youth and Family Engagement: Jackie Nix (jnix@aasynagogue.org; 404.603.5743). Dates: October 2, November 6, December 4, January […]