Home » Events » Rebbe's Tish with Dr. Sandor Goodhart
For this Rebbe's Tish, we welcome Dr. Sandor Goodhart who will speak on the topic, "Reading Sacrifice. What Happens When You Make an Ancient Ritual a Text for Torah Study." Dr. Sandor Goodhart is a Professor Emeritus of English and Jewish Studies at Purdue University in the Department of English and the School of Interdisciplinary Studies. He is the former Director of the Religious Studies Program (2018–2021), the Jewish Studies Program (1997–2002), the Philosophy and Literature Program (2005), and the Classical Studies Program (2007–2011). He is the author or editor of seven books on literature, philosophy, and Jewish Studies. He is a founding board member of the North American Levinas Society (now in its thirteenth year), the former President of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (2004–2007), and the author of over one hundred essays.
Join us on select Shabbat mornings for Rebbe's Tish where we'll sing, do a bit of studying and kavanot, celebrate simchas, and fulfill the mitzvah of delighting in Shabbat and reciting the blessing after meals! Whether you attended the Shabbat morning service virtually, in person, or not at all, you are welcome to join us—Grab a seat at the square table in the atrium between the Sanctuary and Srochi Auditorium. We'll start around 12:30 p.m. (or ~30 minutes after the service ends) and sing the blessing after meals (Birkat HaMazon) between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Questions? Contact music@aasynagogue.org.
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