A Message from Sally and Bebe Kaplan and Alan Wexler
Todah Rabah!
It is with deep appreciation and great humility that we thank each and every one of you for your passion and support of the annual Hunger Walk Run through our synagogue team, Sally's Friends. Without your dedication and generosity, we could never have accomplished our exemplary presence among the entire faith-based population. Thank you to Rabbi Sandler, Rabbi Listfield and Rabbi Rosenthal for guiding our synagogue family by your endorsement, actions and deeds which highlight the plight of hunger insecurity.
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."
We are extremely proud of our Jewish community and the beautiful Mitzvot of your donations and participation.
We experienced an incredible day last Sunday at Mercedes Benz Stadium, Home Depot Backyard Green Space as we joined 10,000 women, men and children from different churches, temples and synagogues. A diverse collection of backgrounds, we walked together as one, united by our dream of ridding hunger in our community. Because of each of you, AA Synagogue has excelled in the embrace of Tikkun Olam and inspired many other congregations to assume this civic responsibility.
"Hunger is not an issue of charity; rather, hunger is an issue of justice."
We would also like to extend a very special Todah Rabah to Gary Alembik and Stephen Graves for our new, beautiful Synagogue banner that is used solely for Hunger Walk and will be on display each year in the lobby before the event. Your kindness and generosity know no bounds, and we are deeply grateful.
We look forward to your continued loyalty and wish everyone a happy and healthy summer.
Alan Wexler, Social Action Committee Chair
Sally Kaplan, Sally's Friends Captain
Bebe Kaplan, Jewish Federation Hunger Walk Committee Chair