In Support of Those Who Walk
A Statement of Gratitude for Those Participating in the Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure

Judaism believes that the whole body is an instrument of praise and gratitude to God, an apparatus for bringing holiness and God's presence into our material and ordinary world. The psalmist declares, "My whole being blesses God" (Psalm 103:2). Each morning, as we flutter our eyes open and place our feet on the ground, we use those first moments of movement to recite blessings and bring God into our forward momentum. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, when asked what it felt like to march for Civil Rights in Selma, Alabama, famously stated, "like I was praying with my feet."
Prayer is an important part of spiritual life. It helps us focus on what is important, sacred, and holy. But, like all things, prayer begins to rot if not followed by action. There is a beautiful tradition at the Shabbat table that once we wash and recite the blessing for washing our hands in preparation for offering a blessing over the Challah, we shouldn't speak until we taste the Challah. The reason being that too much gab can lead to dally and eventually, our prayers become meaningless. Prayer without action becomes debased. Even Moses learned this important lesson from none other than God:
Rabbi Eliezer: God said to Moses, "There is a time to shorten [one's prayers] and a time to lengthen [one's prayers]. My children are distressed, the sea is closing, the enemy is pursuing, and you are standing there going on and on with prayer?!? Say to the children of Israel, 'Go forth!'"
Rabbi Joshua: God said to Moses, "There is nothing else for Israel to do except go forward. Go forth: when their legs go forth from the dry land to the sea, you will see the miracles that I will do for them" (Shemot Rabbah 21:8).
One month ago, our congregation celebrated Worship in Pink, a Shabbat morning dedicated to educating our community, strengthening those amid the battle and remembering all those we lost to the ravages of cancer. This coming weekend, members of our spiritual family are transforming our month-old prayers into action. The words from our lips are being manifested into the movement of their feet. Rina Wolfe, Roslyn Konter, Susan Sandler, and Donna Newman are heading to San Diego for the Komen 3-Day walk For the Cure, turning their prayers for a world without breast cancer into action.
We send blessings to Rina, Roslyn, Donna, and Susan – hazak, hazak, vniet'hazek – May they be strengthened by each step towards a cure. We are so proud of them and grateful for the holiness they bring to our world.
If you would like to support Rina, Roslyn, Donna, and Susan with a monetary contribution, please donate to their Angels4Angels fund or any of the other important cancer causes below.
The team of Rina Wolfe, Roslyn Konter, Donna Newman, and Susan Sandler will walk 60 miles over the course of three days in San Diego (November 19-21, 2021). They train for months, fly out to California, and push themselves to the limit to raise money for the Susan G. Komen foundation. This is Angels4Angels's 15th year! Please consider supporting these four Sisterhood members in meeting their financial team goal in their walk to eliminate breast cancer.
The Ian's Friends Foundation (IFF) for pediatric brain tumor research was begun by Cheryl and Phil Yagoda, the children of AA congregants Rita and Arthur Bodner, when their son Ian was diagnosed with a brain tumor as a young student at AA Epstein preschool. Thankfully, Ian is a thriving high school student today, in part due to the funding from IFF to focus on pediatric brain cancer research. Please consider joining the Bodners in supporting their grandson's foundation.
In May 2003, AA congregant Cookie Aftergut founded Chemochic, a cancer program now under the guidance of another non-profit organization. After being honored as a 2006 Yoplait Champion, Cookie formed Chemoflage, Inc., a non-profit organization for the sole purpose of offering immediate help to women who are undergoing cancer treatment. Please consider supporting Chemoflage today.
TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation is a nonprofit established in 2003 in response to the unmet survivorship needs of individuals with breast cancer in Greater Atlanta and has cared for over 40,000 patients with breast cancer. TurningPoint's clinic provides rehabilitation for individuals with breast cancer, including physical therapy, exercise, lymphedema management, massage therapy, counseling, and nutritional counseling. Many of TurningPoint's services are complimentary and a financial assistance program is offered to allow all patients to access care. Sisterhood co-president Jennifer Rosenfeld volunteers weekly at Rising Creek horse farm for Reins of Hope foundation, a partner agency that offers free weekly therapy horseback riding for cancer survivors. Please consider supporting TurningPoint.